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Trailokaya Raj Bajgain (Raj), is originally from a small town of Belauri in the far western Terai of Nepal. He has just completed his Bachelor of Science in Data Science and Interdisciplinary Studies from a joint dual degree program from Duke Kunshan University (China) and Duke University. He has joined the PhD program in Civil and Environmental Engineering from Fall of 2024, where he will be working on Air Quality Modeling and sensor networks. A firm believer in the importance of interdisciplinary education, throughout his undergraduate education Raj worked on and learned from research projects in fields ranging from m-Health to Digital Humanities. His signature work project was focused on exploring the potential of Sanskrit NLP models to analyze Newar Buddhist text. He has also contributed to projects focused on developing m-health intervention through an Android app for Hypertension, Early Earthquake Warning systems for Kathmandu, and Air Quality Sensor Networks in South Asia. Besides studies, Raj loves cooking and poetry. He loves experimenting with both!
In the field lab, Raj aims to explore and analyze the existing Air Quality Data (PM 2.5) from Kathmandu, while simultaneously trying to visit the locations of these sites and understand the locality to get further insights into the data.
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